Company Profile
Indian Ion Exchange & Chemicals Limited formed in 1994 by experienced water treatment technocrats and engineering professionals to apply new technology of Advance Ion Exchange Membrane and Ultra Filtration to industrial processing water and waste waterpurification and pollution control.
IIECL Design, Develop & install Water and Waste water purification systems.
IIECL undertakes turnkey Renovation, Rectification & upgradation of Water & Waste water treatment Systems to obtain its optimum efficiency.
Indian Ion Exchange & Chemicals Limited is an ISO9001 : 2008 company based in ahmedabad and involved in water and wastewater treatment. There are many reasons why you should talk to us.
Although the company came into existence in 1994, we trace our engineering expertise in this area back to the early eighties.A technocrate background coupled with a decade-old experience makes for a scintilating combination. All this is honed to perfection by a high investment and involvement in gaining cutting-edge R&D knowledge.
We go to great lengths to ensure high standards. OurTechnical Service Representatives, backed by dedicated field staff andcorporate task forces, are spread across the country to offer qualityservice at your doorstep.
The years have seen us envolve into a full-fledged watertreatment solutions provider. Now, we have the technical acumen, productrange and service depth to cater to the widest array of needs andclients. We offer our services in design, manufacturing, performanceevalution, construction, installation, retrofiting, operation &maintenance, economic evalution and project management of all types ofwater and wastewater purification & treatment.
We specialize in providing hi-tech water treatment solutions at the most affordable rates.
Due to all the above, we have more than doubled ourmarket share in the space of a decade. so, when you are wih us, rest assured you are in good company.
Our mission
We are committed to ushering a era of water abundance by deploying state-of-the-art solutions at affordable cost.
Our vision
We aim to become the most preferred partner of quality conscious organizations in implementing water treatment solutions of any kind in the world

Redefining the science of water treatment
At IIECL , we aim not to sale merely products but to offer total package. The product, The application expertise and comprehensive sales & service support.
Making water treatment pay
IIECL offers cost effective solution that go beyond technology. Be it Water and Waste watertreatmentt or Pollution control & Water treatment is no more expensive at IIECL.
Bringing the technology to your door step
IIECL brings latest state – of – the – art Microfilteration Nanofiteration and Hyperfilteration (Reverse Osmosis System) Technology with help of its R & D works and enriched practical experience of application experts.
IIECL’s package water treatment plants i.e. Base Exchancge Softeners. Demineralisers, Dealkalisers. Pressure Sand Filters. Activated Carbon Filters.Lamellaa Filters etc. are backed by century old and Proven ion Exchange Technology.
Besides wide range of standard packaged plants. IIECL Designs Develop, Install & Commission tailor made plants for you from simplefiltrationn toTurnkeyy Instaltion of D.M.. and R.O. systems for General, Brakish & Sea Water Capacity ranging from 1 M3/HR to 100 M3/HR.

Stretching Customer Service to its length
IIECL take its customer service concept even further taking entire responsibility for water and waste water management From Concept to Creation to Operation …… to maintain ……. in Total.
Our Strength
Our Team and Its Approach
At IIECL, we have right mixer of senior and junior work force of Water treatment and Engineering Experts who Design water treatment systems to attain most suitable combination of product, process, expertism and application speciality for effective and economical solution to your water treatment problems.
At IIECL, pre sale assistants, project work production and after sales services are handled equally importantly. Large projects are batter handled by comprehensive talk between consultant engineers our foreign associates and End user in order toot achieve the ultimate solution.
The Facility
IIECL – A user friendly company – has two manufacturing units at Ahmedabad our for standard range of plants and other for projects.
IIECL has well equipped laboratory for testing Water. Resins and Effluent water in house facility for production quality control R & D and product development.
Close to Customer
IIECL has registered office at Ahmedabad in Gujarat (India) and marketing network all over India. All Agents & Dealers, in major cities of States are fully trained and customer friendly.