Semi Auto Bottling Machine
Capacity : 800-900 BPH ( 14 BPM)
Capacity : 1000-1200 BPH ( 20 BPM)
Salient Features
- Semi automatic with filling range from 5 ml to 2000 ml with the help of change parts.
- Accuracy ± 1 % in single doze.
- Three different speeds depending upon capacity of bottles.
- Body covered with SS sheet.
- All contact parts SS316
- A unit to fill variety of liquid and can be used for various type of containers.
- Minimum change over time from one size to another container or fill size.
Sr. No. | Model | Capacity |
1 | IPM -RFC – SEMI -14 | 800-900 BPH |
2 | IPM -RFC – SEMI -20 | 1000-1200 BPH |

Fully Auto RFC (Geneva Based) Bottling Machine
Capacity : 1450 BPH (24 BPM)
Salient Features
- Semi automatic with filling range from 250 ml to 1000 ml with the help of change parts.
- Accuracy ± 1 % in single doze.
- Three different speeds depending upon capacity of bottles.
- Body covered with SS sheet.
- All contact parts SS316
- A unit to fill variety of liquid and can be used for various type of containers.
- Minimum change over time from one size to another container or fill size.
Sr. No. | Model | Capacity |
1 | IPM-RFC-FULLY-GN-24 | 1450 BPH |

Fully Auto Rotary Bottling Machine
Capacity : 1450 BPH (24 BPM)
Capacity : 1800 BPH (30 BPM)
Salient Features
- Machine over load protection with mechanical clutch +VFD Protection
- Bottle Catching & all star wheels below the neck only
- Instruction & Indications Systems
- All Machine parts With CNC Made
- Programmable Logic Controls
- Rinsing Water pressure Interlock
- Filling Water Tank low & High Level Inter lock
- Cap feeder Cap empty single
- Bottle Filling Level Set with Mechanical vent tube
- In feed air blower conveyor SS 304 Hepa Filter with UV
- All material SS 304 & contact Parts SS 316
- Cap Hopper Elevator type & having capacity of 3000 caps at a time
- Out Conveyor SS 304 , conveyor belt also SS 304
- Oil Central Lubrication Systems
- Pneumatic :- Festo OR SMC of Janatics
Sr. No. | Model | Capacity |
1 | IPM-RFC-FULLY-24 | 1450 BPH |
2 | IPM-RFC-FULLY-30 | 1800 BPH |

Fully Auto Rotary Bottling Machine
Capacity : 2400 BPH (40 BPM)
Capacity : 3600 BPH (60 BPM)
Salient Features
- Machine over load protection with mechanical clutch +VFD Protection
- Bottle Catching & all star wheels below the neck only
- Instruction & Indications Systems
- All Machine parts With CNC Made
- Programmable Logic Controls
- Rinsing Water pressure Interlock
- Filling Water Tank low & High Level Inter lock
- Cap feeder Cap empty single
- Bottle Filling Level Set with Mechanical vent tube
- In feed air blower conveyor SS 304 Hepa Filter with UV
- All material SS 304 & contact Parts SS 316
- Cap Hopper Elevator type & having capacity of 3000 caps at a time
- Out Conveyor SS 304 , conveyor belt also SS 304
- Oil Central Lubrication Systems
- Pneumatic :- Festo OR SMC of Janatics
Sr. No. | Model | Capacity |
1 | IPM-RFC-FULLY-40 | 2400 BPH |
2 | IPM-RFC-FULLY-60 | 3600 BPH |

Fully Auto Rotary Bottling Machine
Capacity : 5400 BPH (90 BPM)
Capacity : 7200 BPH (120 BPM)
Capacity : 9000 BPH (150 BPM)
Salient Features
- Machine over load protection with mechanical clutch +VFD Protection
- Bottle Catching & all star wheels below the neck only
- Instruction & Indications Systems
- All Machine parts With CNC Made
- Programmable Logic Controls
- Rinsing Water pressure Interlock
- Filling Water Tank low & High Level Inter lock
- Cap feeder Cap empty single
- Bottle Filling Level Set with Mechanical vent tube
- In feed air blower conveyor SS 304 Hepa Filter with UV
- All material SS 304 & contact Parts SS 316
- Cap Hopper Elevator type & having capacity of 3000 caps at a time
- Out Conveyor SS 304 , conveyor belt also SS 304
- Oil Central Lubrication Systems
- Pneumatic :- Festo OR SMC of Janatics
Sr. No. | Model | Capacity |
1 | IPM-RFC-FULLY-90 | 5400 BPH |
2 | IPM-RFC-FULLY-120 | 7200 BPH |
3 | IPM-RFC-FULLY-150 | 9000 BPH |

Fully Auto Rotary Bottling Machine
Capacity : 12000 BPH (200 BPM)
Salient Features
- Machine over load protection with mechanical clutch +VFD Protection
- Bottle Catching & all star wheels below the neck only
- Instruction & Indications Systems
- All Machine parts With CNC Made
- Programmable Logic Controls
- Rinsing Water pressure Interlock
- Filling Water Tank low & High Level Inter lock
- Cap feeder Cap empty single
- Bottle Filling Level Set with Mechanical vent tube
- In feed air blower conveyor SS 304 Hepa Filter with UV
- All material SS 304 & contact Parts SS 316
- Cap Hopper Elevator type & having capacity of 3000 caps at a time
- Out Conveyor SS 304 , conveyor belt also SS 304
- Oil Central Lubrication Systems
- Pneumatic :- Festo OR SMC of Janatics
Sr. No. | Model | Capacity |
1 | IPM-RFC-FULLY-200 | 12000 BPH |

Fully Auto Bottling Machine
Capacity : 27000 (450 BPM)
CGF 24-80-22 full auto blowing-filling and capping machine is designed by us at the base of adsorbing international advanced technology. This machine is consisted of main blowing machine heating stove auto sending pre-form device filling system capping system electrical controlling system and pneumatic controlling system. This type machine has characters of high degree of automation stable specification high efficiency manufacturing and low cost. CGF24-80-22 full auto blowing-filling and capping machine has reached international level of same products, it is widely used in mineral water bottle pure water bottle soft drinks bottle medicine bottle food bottle and other PET containers.
Sr. No. | Model | Capacity |
1 | IPM-COMBI -CGF 24-80-22 FULLY-450 BPM | 27000 BPH |